Terrorism is the biggest evil in the universe, For humanity it is a curse! We need to condemn and boycott all the terrorist outfits, With all our possible endeavours and wits! We ought to remove terror, Because it is the biggest error! To terrorism we all pose a challenge, We bet we will vanish it and take our revenge. What is the apple of discord? I always keep on questing for the answer to this question, And pray for peace and harmony in the world, To that great power, That lord. There are people who do not want to abide by the laws, And all the destruction and killings To fulfil their goals They cause! Terrorism is an obstacle in a country's development and progress, It physically tortures us and mentally harasses! Against terrorism if we will deliberately fight, I'm sure that one day everything's gonna be alright! If we stand united, We the creators will probably destroy these traitors!