We all experience life Differently
Nature is all about diversity. Hindu mythology constantly refers to a four - fold division of this world- the elements, plants, animals and humans. Symbolically, it is represented by the Swastika.
Elements are considered lifeless (a-jiva). Whereas, plants, animals and humans constitute the living (sa-jiva).
The ability to conjure up a conceptual reality(how the world should be) different from emotional experience(how the world feels) or sensory experiences (what is actually sensed) is unique to every human.
Your reality is different from my reality because your body is different from my body, your experiences are different from my experiences and your knowledge is different from my knowledge.
What distinguishes humans from rest of the nature is our ability to imagine reality. We can imagine exactly the opposite of what we experience. While the senses experience pain, our mind can imagine happiness and vice-versa. This power given to humans can work as a boon or a bane. Hence, it is apt that life is just the way you look at it.
All the things that we value- justice, equality, human rights- are actually concepts churned out of imagination, just like the ideas such as god, heaven, hell, rebirth and immorality. They are essentially creation of humans for the humans and have no independent existence outside humans. Even our identity is essentially how we imagine ourselves, a concept.
Krishna can experience every slice of reality and so he's called god in Gita.
Krishna says - Arjuna, immerse your mind in me and I will uplift you from the ocean of recurring death. If you cannot do that, then practice yoga and work on your mind. If you cannot do that, then do your work as if it is my work. If you cannot do that, then make yourself my instrument and do as I say. If you cannot do that, then simply do your job and leave the results to me. - Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12, verses 6 to 11 (paraphrased)
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