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Showing posts from April, 2017

Dil kii awaaz!

मेरे कर्म मेरे, तेरे कर्म तेरे! जो अच्छा करेगा उसे मिलेंगे सारे स्वेरे, और बुरा करने वाले के जीवन मैं होते हैं अंधेरे ही अंधेरे! -श्रिया कात्याल 


Kalyug  (An era of destroying each other)  Easily attached, Easily detached, Because they say that  people just come and go, It's surprising to see how easily  you let in someone, And how easily out of your life  that person you throw! No genuine bonds, No deep connections, I fail to understand  what this generation wants? Promises are made Just to break, And commitments are  So damm fake! When someone truly loves you, Why you think  That he has nothing else to do? Is this is what we call Kalyug? The era where evil prevails, Where greed wins, Ego trumps, And love terribly fails! So yes! This is Kalyug, Come on let's break each other! 


कभी-कभी कुछ लोगों को ज़िन्दगी मैं रखना बहोत दर्द भरा होता है और उनकी दी हूयी यादें ज़्यादा खूबसूरत होती हैं ज़िन्दगी सजानेे के लीये. -श्रिया कात्याल

This is not the end?

I had a dream, A dream to grow old with you, To be a part of everything you do. My love was divine, It was so true, Everyday all I wanted was more and more of you. I wanted your love, your care and time, All I wanted was you to be mine. We loved and lived our life's some of the most beautiful days, But love gradually faded away, And we unfortunately parted our ways. I knew that the love was so true, Everything seemed so perfect with you, So this was not a perfect end, Love faded away but it wasn't dead! We'll get back together someday, Because baby, to feel alive, that is the only way, We will have to chose each other with every breath we take with each passing day.

समुद्र दिल!

ज़िन्होने दिल तोड़ा, दर्द ज़िन्होने खूब दिया, उन्हे ये समुद्र दिल माफ चाहे कर देगा, मगर आसमान बन, दोबारा विश्वास ना कर पायेगा, दोबारा प्यार ना दे पायेगा! -श्रिया कात्याल (Just Becuase the heart can be as vast as the sea but certainly not as limit less as the sky)

A Fight Against DePRESSion!

World Health Day - A fight Against Depression  Pin it! (7th April '17) According to WHO, India has the largest number of depressed people in entire Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Region. Depression cases are on a rise in India with over 50 million people suffering from this psychological disorder.  Depression affects one in every 20 people in India and is a leading cause of suicide ! Alarming,alarming, alarming...Here We are talking about something extremely harming! In a fight against Depression, the present day mental health specialists strengthens the individual's identity by changing his thinking patterns, emotion reactions and behavior. But this can be effective in the short-run and is not a permanent solution to this beast! Many of such patients experience a relapse, develop another mental disorder or continue to have a poor quality of life. Our flawed psychological make-up is the main culprit behind depression! Five main Components or klesas that...

pOSiTivE "C"

   लोगों ने जब खामियाँ निकाली हैं उस मे जो   ख़ुदा   की बनायी हुई कला है , तो फिर इंसान का हुनर क्या कोई खास बला है ?