Skip the E and let it Go
क्या लेके आये थे जो तुम लेके जाओगे,
एक दिन तुम बुस एक याद बनके रह जाओगे!
Knowledge and ego can never go hand in hand as you can learn from the life of Ravana who was highly intellectual but due to his pride and ego lost everything in his life gradually. Arrogance is an expression of a symptom where energies within you are disorganised. The foolish idea of
renunciation, sanyas, is leaving the world but the true meaning is renouncing one's ego and it's arrogance.
If you are truly living a conscious life and not a life of sleep-fullness, you will realise that, time snatches away all these, money, youth, power, and people in a second.' so there's no point of being possessive about anything. Enjoy life being unclutched and expect less. Live in the moment!
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