Never miss even a single chance to be Wiser!
When you are Sensitive & Observant,
When You Feel and think Deep
about Situations and People,
When you Understand the Fact
That there's a Higher Purpose
behind Universe's Every Act,
You often get more pain,
More troubles,
More stress at times!
But, definitely you are the one
Who'll get to understand
lessons of life at it's Best,
The meaning behind it's every Test!
So, don't make going through things
on surface level a fashion,
and never stop touching everything
that comes across your way with Compassion,
Because nothing is more important in this Human Birth than attaining your own Wisdom!
-Shreeya Katyal
Automatically , u often reminds - whats meeded to be followed - now .
Automatically , u often reminds - whats needed to be followed - now .