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Showing posts from October, 2017

You are Unstoppable! Remember!

When you RUN, They get scared of seeing your unbeatable speed, They will RUIN! But you keep on running  at your tremendous pace, with utmost passion and full grace! Never think of stopping your work, for some petty, good for nothing jerk! Not everyone is blessed to do  something constructive, not everyone can be that much productive! You can't stop because your WORK, your ACTS, DEEDS and THOUGHTS  make the world feel proud, O darling, you pretty, you beautiful soul, Stand out of the crowd! Don't let your spirits ever die, Just remember you are  chosen by god to do great, You are meant to soar high! -Shreeya Katyal

Yes! I care!

And while we are here, Yes! I care! -Shreeya Katyal

Never Again!

She couldn't open up her heart because some judged her, some used her secrets against her, some tagged her as weak and needy, some took her as a complainer, some called her too demanding, some thought her to be over sensitive, some thought she is fake, she could never reveal her true side infront of anyone again that once she did! -Shreeya Katyal

Let's Light Up!

We all are a little little broken somewhere somehow, Let's work to mend each other now! You try to light up my life, I'll light yours And the world will turn bright for sure! -Shreeya Katyal

Happy 2017 Diwali

दीप जलाओ, खुशी मनाओ,  दिल मे सच्चायी और ज़ुबा मे मिठास लाओ, आशा है दिल से हमारी कि  ज़िन्दगी मे आप एक प्यारीसी मुस्कान के साथ  सदा आगे बड़ते जाओ ! -Shreeya Katyal

& Yes it's true!

They say, Live, Experience, Feel and Forget! But it's Impossible to Forget, I bet! You can just fool yourself that you don't remember anything, But the fact is that, inspite of every new beginning, Pages of the book of life turns but are never torn! Chapters once read, Good or Bad, leave imprints on our hearts forever! You can forgive, you can fake out, you can be inexpressive but you cannot definitely forget anything felt by heart! -Shreeya Katyal

Let's Create Heaven!

सभी दिषाओं से शुभ सुन्दर, भाव विचार भरे नित अंतर! पुन्न धरा बनजाये स्वर्ग ये, मेरे यतनों से करुणाकर! Your feelings & Your thoughts are the two most important things in the world, better than what you see with your naked eyes!  If you have good feelings and good thoughts, you can turn this earth into heaven!

कैसा शिष्य है रे तू ?

तुमने किया वो  जो उन्होंने तुम्हे सिखाया, क्या है अच्छा, क्या बुरा, सारा ज्ञान उनसे ही तो आया, फिर आखिर कैसे और आखिर क्यों जहाँ से ज्ञान पाया, वहीं का साथ ना निभाया? कैसा शिष्य है रे तू जो अपने गुरु के काम ना आया ! उसी मे छेद कर डाला, जिस थाली मे खाया! कैसा शिष्य है रे तू , जिसने अपने गुरु का साथ ना निभाया! याद रखना की ज्ञान खरीदा नही जाता, ये तो बस गुरु का आदर कर है आता ! जो  गुरुआ दा अपने मान रखदे, वो ही हैं कुछ महान कर सकते! तो अगर आगे बढ़ना चाहते हो ज़िन्दगी की डगर मे, तो ज्ञान दाताओं का मान करना सीखो, थोड़ा झुकना सीखो, क्योंकि झुकता वहीं है जिसमे जान होती है , अकड़ तो मुर्दे की पहचान होती है ! जितना तुम झुकोगे, सच्चे गुरु तुम्हे उतना उपर उठायेंगे, तुम्हे तुम्हारी मंज़िलों तक ज़रूर पहुँचायेंगे! -श्रीया कात्याल

Is there any age?

There's no age to do wonders, There's even no age to do blunders! There's no age to talk shit, And there's no age to be sensible a bit! There's no age to do something constructive, Also, there's no age to be destructive! There's no age to become a devil and be a mess, And ofcourse there's no age to sprinkle goodness! There's no age to mock at and play with true love, And there's no age to celebrate and pray love! There's no age to be harsh and rude, There's even no age to be sensitive and good! There's no age to be mature, Also, there's no age to be silly for sure! There's no age to be truthful and wise, And there's no age to be a cheater in disguise! There's no age to be responsible, And there's no age to make excuses and everything impossible! Actually, there's no age to be good or bad, It's just a matter of realisation and mindset!