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Showing posts from December, 2017

Kalyug Prayer!

"I am tired", My Soul often says! "Take me back", to God it often prays! To this God replies that,  "Life isn't that fair,  so go on and live some more days! Keep walking with your noble ways" -Shreeya Katyal

White Souls often Meet Black Souls!

It's not easy to once taste the flavor of love and then remain devoid of it forever! It's not easy to once feel secure and then accept loneliness forever! It's not easy to open up your every side infront of someone just to realise that he was there to mock at your naked Soul. Attachments are a blessing if with the right person and can be most destructive if struck with the wrong. Choose Wisely! -Shreeya Katyal

हक जताने वाला...

वो ज़िन्दगी, ज़िन्दगी नही जिसमे कोई समझाने वाला ना रहे, क्या है सही, क्या गलत, कोई बताने वाला ना रहे, अधूरी सी है वो ज़िन्दगी जिसमे कोई हक जताने वाला ना रहे ! -श्रीया कत्याल