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Showing posts from July, 2020

Nothing to do with you

You will be blamed for the things you never did, You will be accused of the lies that you never said, You will be snatched of opportunities meant for you, You will be criticized and condemned for everything constructive you do. You will be rebuked for your truth, For your talent, you'll be isolated, In the name of discipline, you'll be degraded. Remember, this has nothing to do with you, You are perfect, you are loyal and Your humbleness, hard-work and honesty, Is being acknowledged by God with every breath you take. Walk away from everything that's toxic and fake. Rise and Shine because you are only meant to impress the Divine. -Shreeya Katyal

I'm Proud

I Say Clear and Loud, I'm Confident, I'm Proud, I don't follow the Crowd I'm Happy, I'm Abundant I'm Successful in whatever I do Wherever I Go Because I firmly believe in Karma Without any Doubt. -Shreeya Katyal